Federal student loan repayment can be complicated, and you may have questions regarding when to pay, how much to pay, and who to pay. All of these questions, and more, are answered with Federal Student Loan Exit Counseling.
Completing Exit Counseling is not just for graduating students! It is a requirement for ANY student that drops below half-time enrollment or leaves school, even if you’re just taking a break and plan to reenroll. Dropping below half-time or taking a break may cause your loans to go into repayment, thus Exit Counseling will help you to understand your options and prepare for that.
Online Federal Loan Exit Counseling provides invaluable information regarding:
- The different types and amounts of federal loans you’ve borrowed
- The different payment plans for which may qualify
- Monthly repayment estimates for each of those plans for which you qualify
- Loan servicer information (where you will send your payments)
- Tips on how to budget, consolidate your loans, reduce your overall repayment, and more!
Click on this link to complete Exit Counseling. Be sure to log-in with your FSA ID and password to fulfill the requirement.